"A horror film buffet, a tongue-in-cheek suspense thriller with solid cast, liquid imagery and innovative editing." Variety MATINEE premiered at the World Film Festival Montreal. MATINEE was also selected for Les Cinemas du Canada, the 1993 retrospective at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Commercially, the film sold in more than 30 territories. Interesting info on Matinee at:
"A beautifully acted and sharply written comedy drama...Richard Martin directs with self-assurance and flawless pacing...Entertaining road movie with heart, soul and vital give-and-take." Variety NORTH OF PITTSBURGH premiered at the World Film Festival Montreal. Other festivals include Seattle International and the prestigious Internationale Hofer Filmtage, Hof, Germany. NORTH OF PITTSBURGH was nominated for 7 Genie Awards, including Best Actress and Best Screenplay.
DEA agent Mike Ryan's (Gary Daniels) partner is brutally murdered by drug lord Victor Chow (Cary Tagawa) during a botched sting operation. Revenge action thriller.
Featuring Madchen Amick, Adrian Pasdar and Graham Greene, WOUNDED premiered at the 1997 World Film Festival Montreal where it was picked up by HBO and became a top-rated cable feature.
Released on 1700 screens.
Acerbic showbiz comedy starring Kathy Lee Gifford and Howie Mandel. "Gifford seriously displays her gift for comedy and drama in the unexpected gem Spinning Out of Control...Howie Mandel is a class act as her smarmy and beleaguered manager...director Richard Martin packs every shot with energy and panache..A treat." Hollywood Reporter
2nd sequel of the franchise. 5 million pic grossed over 25 million worldwide.